5 Reasons Why I Love to Write


Just write every day of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens. (Ray Bradbury)

I have been falling in love with writing since I was a fourth grader. I still remember how proud I was when I stated “WRITER” as my professional career in the future. Well, I did not say that only to be different or be claimed as anti-mainstream. I definitely meant it. 

I knew most of children would have mentioned doctors, teachers, presidents, entrepreneurs, engineers, or even astronauts when they were asked about their dreams. Of course those were absolutely fine, but I just did not feel they were the right choices for me. I truly wished I could be a professional writer someday. Thank God, I once did.

I finally achieved what I always wanted to be, eventhough not as an author of the best-selling books or a fiction writer. I was a journalist. I wrote many articles and stories about arts and cultures, which I really loved.

And thank God (again), I grew up in a family who were very supportive to me. My mother, who passed away almost a year ago (I miss you, Mom), always understood what I wanted and needed. She was the one who kept reminding me what I wanted to be in the future: to be a writer.

She was the one who suggested me to take language and literature class rather than science (at that time I was about to attend science class just because a few good friends were doing so). My mom also supported me all the way by providing the books I needed, driving me to any language courses or writing club, or just a little support like asking what I was going to write or how was my day in writing club.

My dad? Of course he was also my big supporter. I was inspired by some of his literary works, eventhough he was neither a professional nor a famous writer. Dad was just a banker who loved writing poetry or children stories. An amateur one, for sure. Despite of that, I really loved the way he wrote, his creativity was just awesome! I wish he would still keep his “masterpiece.”

My dad also collected some poetry and literary books written by famous author, both local and international ones, as well as encyclopaedias, Islamic books, journals, or magazines. I enjoyed reading them, eventhough sometimes I, who was just a fourth grader at that time, did not fully understand what these were all about.

Okay, enough with the stories…

Well, all I am trying to say is I love to write. Since my childhood era until today. Like the one who is in love with his/her beau, sometimes it’s hard to explain why I do love it. But I try to find out the reasons why I love to write. Here are some of them.

1. I love to write because I feel relieved. Writing really soothes me.


Everybody has their own ways to comfort themselves and writing is one of my best ways to feel relaxed. I feel happy, calm, and free when I write. Indeed, writing really soothes me.

2. I love to write because it is the best way to express myself.


Writing is the way to express my ideas and thoughts better than speaking. I was a journalist, yes that is true. But I don’t think I’m good enough in public speaking. I’d rather write than talk.

3. I love to write because this is the best me-time version of mine.


Yes, I can spend hours only to write before bed –and I always enjoy it! Writing process is such a great experience for me. It is fun.

4. I love to write because it is such a good feeling to know people will be inspired or be touched after reading my posts or articles.


The power of words! I can’t describe how happy  I am if my posts or articles can touch or inspire other people.  For example, when I wrote a review about travel destination in my country, like this post (In Bahasa Indonesia), Sejenak Menjauh dari Hiruk-Pikuk Kota di Finna Golf & Country Club Resort Prigenpeople will have a great vacation idea and inspiration. And of course, it’s such a good feeling to know my review will be useful for others.

5. The last but not least, I love to write simply because I love it.


What else should I say? I just love it. It is my passion and is natural. I can’t describe how much I love to write. I. just. love. it. Period.

Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up. (Jane Yolen)






20 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why I Love to Write

    • yes, Mba… I feel blessed and lucky to have parents who were very supportive like them. They knew me well, they knew that writing was my passion. Ya Allah… now I feel like I’m being choked… I think I’m gonna cry. I miss my mom 😥
      Thanks for stopping by, btw… 🙂


  1. Sama mbak, saya juga suka nulis sejak SD, tepatnya kelas berapa sih saya lupa. Yang pasti saya masih suka nulis sampai sekarang. Dulu juga sempat mau kuliah dibidang jurnalistik karena pengen jadi jurnalis atau apa aja yang berhubungan dengan bahasa, tapi pilihan ternyata jatuh ke tempat lain. Hehe.

    Saya setuju sama 5 alasan yang mbak sampaikan, soalnya saya juga merasa demikian. Terlebih yang nomor 4, memang beda rasanya ketika tahu kalau ada orang lain yang terinspirasi dan terbantu karena tulisan kita ya mbak. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Makasih Mba Nurul udah mampir ke sini, ya…
      Ya Mba, terkadang keinginan ga sesuai dengan kenyataan, ya.. Tapi gpp, Mba, ga perlu disesali, karena ya begitulah perjalanan hidup, and qadarullah pastinya, ya, Mba.
      Emang bener, Mba, kalo nulis trus bermanfaat buat orang lain rasanya gimana gitu, ya, Mba? Seneng karena apa yang kita tulis ngga sia-sia, seneng karena tulisan kita bisa menjadi rujukan positif buat orang lain. Thanks for sharing ya, Mba… keep on writing 🙂


  2. I like this line: I love to write because I feel relieved. Writing really soothes me.

    Indeed! As sounds cheesy as it is, writing is the best way to channel self-discovery. I started writing more elaborate journal routinely (rather than random scribbles on my locked diary) when I lost my mother years ago – the one who always listens me the best. Now I kind of relieved because I’ve found another person who listens me better – myself and my writing.

    Cheers for making writing as our self-healing therapy and nice to meet you virtually here. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and sharing some thoughts, Mba Mega… I just visited your blog and found it very interesting. Will spend more time to explore your journal, I promise! 🙂

      Well, I do like your line: Now I kind of relieved because I’ve found another person who listens me better – myself and my writing. EXACTLY!

      My mom passed away last year and I feel like I’ve lost one of the most important persons in my life, in my career –everything. As you may read on my post, she was very supportive to me, she helped me to pursue my dream. *sigh.* I will never forget every moments I spent with her.

      And yes, that’s true, Mba Mega… writing is like our self-healing therapy. I feel better after doing it. Like several months back, I did miss my mom and I wrote some memories of her on my blog. I cried? Yes. But I felt much better afterwards.

      Nice to know you too, Mba Mega…


      • Thank you for visiting too Mbak 😀 Let’s take it as a way for us to find more of ourselves. Losing someone important sure is hard but there will always be new blessing.

        Semangat selalu mbak…. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Absolutely. I’m not too good in public speaking, so I choose to express myself with writing.
      Thanks for the compliment. I’m honored 🙂
      Nice to know you too…


  3. Mbak Diniiii sayangkuuuu..Whoaah, what a surprise! I’m super happy to find this blog! Knowing that you have finally found your passion on writing (again) excites me so much! Welcome, darling! I knew that you have a great talent as a writer, you are one of my role models! Kisses from Bandung! PROMISE ME TO KEEP WRITING!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • neng Ilmaaaa…
      aah, i’m SO honored! you are actually one of my role models!!

      thank you so much, Neng. I’ll try to keep writing, no matter what 🙂


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